One visit is all it takes to see why kids and parents love it here.
Please complete the relevant online forms prior to your child’s visit
To be completed annually by ALL current patients to keep the medical and demographic information up-to-date.
To be completed for children above age 1 year coming to us for dental concerns, establishing a dental home for regular cleanings as well as Lip Tie and/or Tongue Tie related difficulties such as speech, feeding, sleep , behavioral or dental concerns.
To be completed for babies less than age 1 year coming to us for feeding difficulties.
To be completed for any additional children that are joining our family as dental patients. Please complete this form ONLY if other demographic and financial/insurance information is the same as another child that is already a current patient at Smile Wonders.
Pro Tip #1 Remember to close out of the window after submitting each child’s form.
Pro Tip #2 Please share notes or x-rays from other specialists, care providers or previous dentists to
At Smile Wonders, our mission is to be the gold standard in comprehensive and collaborative care for ALL of our patients. We strive to make care accessible to all families with variety of payment options.
Care at Smile Wonders is available to all patients on a self-pay basis. Smile Wonders does not discriminate services based on third party coverage or insurance plan level allowances. Our patients utilize Out-of-Network benefits from their Dental and Medical plans as applicable for services at Smile Wonders. We are not an authorized or certified provider for Medicaid, Tricare, Kaiser, DMO or HMO plans. Per the limitations set forth by these plans, if patients use a non-network dentist, they will be responsible for all payment and unable to get reimbursed through the insurance provider.
We understand that many of our patient families would like to utilize out of network dental benefits. We are happy to help you in the process. Please provide all the required information on the pre-appointment paperless forms. We will help submit your claim with applicable narrative explanations of treatment and images electronically on your behalf. We have enjoyed great success with maximizing coverage for our patients within the limitations of their individual policy.
Payment is requested on the day of service (Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, HSA (Health Savings account).
Our patients utilize Out-of-Network benefits from their Dental and Medical plans as applicable for services at Smile Wonders.
We are not an authorized or certified provider for Medicaid, Tricare, Kaiser, DMO or HMO plans. Per the limitations set forth by these plans, if patients use a non-network dentist, they will be responsible for all payment and unable to get reimbursed through the insurance provider. Subscribers or beneficiaries of these plans have the options of receiving care with another Provider in a certified facility. Smile Wonders does not discriminate services based on third party coverage or insurance plan level allowances. Care at Smile Wonders is available to all patients on a self-pay basis.
Dental Insurance
We understand that many of our patient families would like to utilize out of network dental benefits. We are happy to help you in the process.
Please provide all the required information on the pre-appointment paperless forms. We will help submit your claim with applicable narrative explanations of treatment and images electronically on your behalf. We have enjoyed great success with maximizing coverage for our patients within the limitations of their individual policy.
Medical Insurance
We understand that many of our patient families would like to utilize out of network benefits from their medical insurance for infant frenectomy procedure. We are happy to help you in the process.
On the day of the procedure, if you let us know in advance, we can prepare a letter of medical necessity that has the pertinent Diagnosis (ICD-10 codes), Treatment (CPT codes), Narrative explanations and fees that can be submitted along with your claim. We will also provide an itemized receipt of payment so that the reimbursement can come directly your way.
We understand that many of our patient families would like to utilize out of network dental insurance for infant frenectomy procedure. We are happy to help you in the process.
Please provide all the required information on the pre-appointment paperless forms. We will help submit your claim with applicable narrative explanations of treatment and images electronically on your behalf. We have enjoyed great success with maximizing coverage for our patients within the limitations of their individual policy.
Pro Tip #1 Make sure that baby is active on the plan.
Pro Tip #2 Few possible reasons for consult as applicable – feeding difficulty, reflux, visible anatomical attachment. Diagnosis terminology may include Maxillary Labial Ankylosis and/or Ankyloglossia.
Pro Tip #3 Few possible treatment codes as applicable: Consultation (D9310), Lip tie (D7961), Tongue tie (D7962). If the sites have been treated previously by other providers, there is previous scar tissue present, or there is a need for sutures to be placed based on medical history a Frenuloplasty (D7963) may be required.
We understand that many of our patient families would like to utilize out of network benefits from their medical insurance for infant frenectomy procedure. We are happy to help you in the process.
On the day of the procedure, if you let us know in advance, we can prepare a letter of medical necessity that has the pertinent Diagnosis (ICD-10 codes), Treatment (CPT codes), Narrative explanations and fees that can be submitted along with your claim. We will also provide an itemized receipt of payment so that the reimbursement can come directly your way. We have found that these two pieces of information along with a copy of notes from other providers such as Lactation Consultant or Feeding Therapist has been the most successful method of maximizing coverage.
Pro Tip #1 Make sure the baby is active on your family plan.
Pro Tip #2 Few possible diagnosis codes may be applicable: Q38.0 Maxillary labial ankylosis (lip-tie), Q38.1 Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie). Additional codes will be provided based on specific symptoms and age of the baby.
Pro Tip #3 Few possible treatment codes as applicable: Consultation (99204), Lip tie (40819), Tongue tie (41115).
Insurance Facts
If you would like to prioritize only insurance-oriented care here are some facts for you to consider:
Since Covid-19, many insurances have reduced their ‘coverage amounts’ and implemented many obstacles of strict limitations, exclusions, waiting periods and plan deductibles.
Please know that a customer service rep that usually does not have any medical or dental background and is located in a completely different part of the world is responsible to determine the eligibility for services. They simply follow numbers and codes. They do not understand the level of care needed for your child.
The usual and customary rate (UCR) is determined by each individual insurance company. Subscribers are unaware that since 2020, many companies have categorically reduced their reimbursement by as much as 20% without any reduction of premiums from their subscribers. Reimbursement levels are most influenced by profitability of the insurance companies, rather than cost of living and fees relative to the region, let alone expertise of the provider or your child’s specific needs.
Patient Financing
In order to make oral health affordable and comfortable, our office has partnered with a PatientFi for financing options. It is medical loan that does not require hard credit check and allows for no interest financing for up to 6 months. Please click the link below to find out more and obtain pre-approval.
Pay over time on a friendly monthly plan.
Apply in 1 minute with no impact on your credit score.
We offer specially customized plans for our pediatric patients with 4 different levels of care specifically tailored for your child’s age and preventive care needs.
As parents, we want our children to be healthy and resilient. This is no small task and managing activities for the kids and taking care of their day-to-day physical and emotional needs can sometimes leave the routine, preventative care by the wayside. Pediatric Dentistry has come a long way since the 1960s when dental insurance plans were first introduced in the United States. Insurance carriers and plans have not advanced with the technology and treatment philosophies of modern dentistry.
Approximately 59% of Americans do not use their full insurance benefits, in large part because the plan benefits are not tailored properly to standard treatment recommendations for children. Children often do not require the standard dental procedures at the level that insurances cover them—such as amalgam (silver) fillings, bridges, or dentures. On the other hand, insurance often does not cover the services that children often need. Children may require extra time, TLC (tender love and care), or additional visits to the dentist based on their level of cooperation, age, special needs, and anxiety-related concerns.
As a result, some progressive dentists have opted to offer specially customized plans for their patients- which is especially helpful for pediatric patients! Smile Wonders is one of the pediatric dental offices that has taken the initiative to offer a customized pediatric dental savings plan for their patients. They offer 4 different levels of care specifically tailored for your child’s age and preventive care needs.
We look forward to meeting you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.