Answers to Your Questions

Questions about treatment considerations

What Are the Symptoms of Lip Tie/Tongue Tie in newborns and babies?
Does My Baby Need a Frenectomy?
Can Tongue-tie or Lip-tie Resolve Itself?
If my child has a lip-tie does that mean they will have a tongue-tie?
What are buccal ties?
Can you share some research articles about lip and tongue ties?
What additional evaluations/therapies may be recommended and/or required pre/post-procedure, and why?
How can we find the best provider for my baby’s tongue tie frenectomy?
Is there a difference between the treatment approaches and outcomes for different types of laser?
Is the Vitamin K shot required for the procedure in our office?

Questions about treatment considerations

What can I do to prepare for my baby’s frenectomy?
What will happen during my consultation appointment?
What will happen during my procedure appointment?
Is the surgery painful? How is the baby's pain managed during the procedure? Do you give anesthetic during surgery?
How does laser surgery compare with use of blades in tongue/lip tie surgery?
Will there be pain after the surgery? What can I do to help with comfort-management after the procedure while at home?
Can I be present in the room while my child is having the procedure?

Aftercare Questions

How soon after the procedure can I feed/nurse my baby?
What are recommended wound-care exercises & stretches?
What is the importance of wound care and is it really necessary?
Are there any restrictions on activity or travel after surgery?
Is a follow-up visit necessary?
How common is reattachment?
Is it normal to notice a frenulum again in my baby’s mouth after frenectomy?

Toddler Questions

What are common symptoms in a toddler with tethered oral tissues?
What are the behavioral effects of prolonged tethered oral structures?

Financial Questions

Is it covered by my insurance?

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